Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The CARe approach

Jean-Pierre Wilken and Dirk Den Hollander (1999) developed a rehabilitation approach in Holland, since the eighties. Typically for this approach is that they give a broader meaning to the concept of rehabilitation.

In their concept they consider three angles as complementary:
- wishes of the clients
- supporting clients regarding their vulnerability
- working with (natural) environments.

Starting from the individual perspective of the client with regard to the wish for making changes for the better (Quality of Life), the own strengths of the person are recognized and supported, but the problems or vulnerability which impede the person to move forward on his own are also within the focus of professional interventions. The environment and the social network are always in sight since they are important resources. A comprehensive approach targets both the clients and his environment.

Wilken en den Hollander describe psychosocial rehabilitation as
the process in which supportive and empowering activities are undertaken to help persons with psycho-social disabilities optimize their quality of life and self-reliance, so that they can function in various freely chosen settings (living, work, other) in a manner that is both personally and socially satisfactory.

In the latest developments (2009 – 2010) the adjusted the CARe methodology, being inspired by the Strengths Model of Charlie Rapp (Kansas, USA). The changes made the CARe approach easier to use, working in all situations and with all clients with a Personal Profile, which is a Strengths Assessment.

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Comprehensive Approach on Rehabilitation