Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Bratislava meeting

In the weekend of January 22 till 24 (2010), 6 people came together in Bratislava. What they shared, was a warm heart for rehabilitation and recovery. What they also shared was a sense of loss: somehow rehabilitation and the CARe approach in specific, has become second-hand, a bit worn out. And in this process, also the spirit left and the flame went down.

But the story starts sooner, in 1999 to be exactly, in a little Czech village. Because it was in this villa, in Tepla, that a group of rehabilitation minded people from several Eastern European countries, came to be trained to be a trainer / coach in the Care approach.

This Care approach (Comprehensive Approach on rehabilitation) was developed in Holland by Storm rehabilitation. And funded by GGz Nederland (the ‘roofing organization’ of mental health organizations in the Netherlands) Storm started an ambitious project in trainer Care trainers from Estonia, Hungaria, Czech republic, Georgia and Bulgaria where trained in using the CARe methodology and in training / coaching skills.

After this first group (Tepla 1) there was a second group (Tepla 2) so we had about 15 very good skilled trainers in rehabilitation (CARe approach). This had results like a stone in a pond. The energy floated in all directions and many nice results became apparent, in all of the countries mentioned. And there became a community of mutual supportive persons in different countries.

And the trainers worked together in some projects like in Bucharest (Trepte rehabilitation centre) and in Vilnius (psycho social day care centre).

And even as we speak now, all of these things still occur, but now more separately each within itself. The community is not so alive anymore and the spirit is not flowing as it used to. Although persistent CARe workers still are active in all the countries.

And that what is was about in Bratislava in January. Where Zsolt Bugarszki, Jodee Lim, Petya Raeva, Beatislava Albrich, Sasa Vidovic (our host) and Dirk den Hollander came together to meet.

And as it soon proved out to be they came looking for the same. Because we did not have a detailed agenda. And elaborate plans. What we did have was the desire to meet again and to find some of the ‘Tepla Spirit’ back again, as a living energy.

And we talked a lot, even taken on DVD.

We talked about our lives and about our personal situations. We shared experienced. And we found the flame again. We realized that we wanted to do something, and we also realized that it should be connected to our own passions. We don’t.. want to change the world but we do want to revitalize the CARe thoughts and principles.

Not only for working with clients but also for inspiring, training and coaching CARe and care workers. Something became very clear: we have something special that differs from most of the training and coaching initiatives: we start from the direct core of ourselves and not from training tricks. And we have the experience of the feeling: how it is to flow on an energy wave with friends.

Sasa is very experienced in the concepts of E-learning and social communities on the internet. And he has convinced us that face book is a good starting point to get together and reunite. From the internet we can develop all kinds of initiatives in a cheap and easy way.

So our first step is to get back to all our friends and co workers.

We invite them to join this community and tell us about what they did with CARe the last 7 – 8 years. What did you do? How did you cope? What kinds of support did you get?

We will combine this in a database from which we will start our activities to re-load Storm: to get back to the CARe spirit.

Sasa Vidovic

Zsolt Bugarszki

Jodee Lim

Petya Raeva

Beate Albrich

Dirk den Hollander

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Comprehensive Approach on Rehabilitation